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Girls in ICT Day @Cisco
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On 8th April 2014, Cisco will again be participating in ‘Girls in ICT Day’; an annual day of activities organized by the International Telecommunications Union aimed at improving the understanding of careers in ICT. This year, Cisco will be hosting 2,500 girls at almost 80 of their offices worldwide, allowing them the chance to meet with our ICT professionals and see first-hand the exciting opportunities that are available to them in the IT sector and within Cisco.

During their visit at Cisco, students will hear about the vital role that ICT plays in the world of today, and of how it will create the jobs of tomorrow. Attendees will be able to experience Cisco’s technologies for themselves, such as TelePresence that will be used to meet with other Girls participating across the globe. They will also meet with some of the leading women working within Cisco and its partners and customers.

Throughout EMEAR, Cisco has got 48 participating offices that will host girls in 37 countries across the region. In Italy the girls will get the chance to join the international TelePresence session and visit the Briefing Center in Vimercate (MB), via Torri Bianche 8.
The visits starts at 10.30 and ends at 12.30 (8th of April 2014).

At Cisco, we take our commitment to making ICT career opportunities open to all seriously. Cisco has been involved in ‘Girls in ICT Day’ since it started three years ago. We understand the value of a diverse workforce, and believe that many more girls would pursue careers in ICT if they were better informed about the many different types of jobs available within the sector. Indeed, throughout all sectors, 90% of all jobs will require Tech Skills by 2015, and many jobs that don’t exist at all right now will be created by IT – it is vital to get girls excited about Technology today.

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