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[Seminario] L'Information Technology versus Internet - il loro effetto sulla società
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Giovedì 28 Maggio 2009
ore 17:00 - 19:00
Sala Lauree
Interviene Roberto Galimberti, http://www.la-rete.net/People/Roberto_Galimberti.html

Roberto Galimberti was Chairman of a range of Italian ICT companies including ETNOTEAM, I.NET, E-TREE and Netikos. Today he is Deputy Chairman of Etnoteam. Member of Advisory Board of BT Group, member of the board at Confindustria Innovazione and of the Giuseppe Verdi orchestra.

Roberto Galimberti began his career as a computer science assistant at Milan Polytechnic and after completing a Masters in Computer Science taught computer and telecommunications courses at the Polytechnic and at the University of Milan.

Between 1968 and 1973 he was head of the digital computing division of Laben Company, part of the Montedison Group. In 1974 he moved to ITALTEL-Siemens as R&D Director and later as Head of Toll Switching Division. In 1981 he joined Etnoteam and he started his entrepreneur activity. He was one of the founder of I.NET. Roberto Galimberti was born in Milano in 1939 and gained an MBA at CEDEP (Fontainebleau) in 1982. In June 2007 he received a Laurea Honoris Causa in Informatics at Milano Bicocca University.

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