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.dsy:it. .dsy:it. ~ CLod's journal ~ zio
29-09-2003 17:09
I feel like I died
and went to Heaven
The cupboards are bare
but the streets
are paved with gold

I saw a young girl who didn't die
I saw a glimmer from in her eye
I saw the distance, I saw the past
And I know I won't awaken,
it's a dream that can last

I feel like I died
and went to Heaven
The cupboards are bare
but the streets
are paved with gold

And all the lights
were turned down low
And no one wondered or had to go
Out on the corner the angels say
There is a better life
for me someday

I feel like I died
and went to Heaven
The cupboards are bare
but the streets
are paved with gold

[a dream that can last - neil young]

te ne andasti prima che io potessi vedere la luce
anche tu con i tuoi peccati e i tuoi tanti pregi
avrei voluto conoscerti, ma la realtà spesso non ripaga la volontà
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