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.dsy:it. .dsy:it. ~ LazerPhEa's journal ~ Quicksand Jesus
Quicksand Jesus
10-08-2004 17:40

Skid Row - Quicksand Jesus

She caught the melting sky
It burned but still the winter
passes by and by... to the other side
A slow parade of wind
That blows through trees
that wilted with the season's children

Are we saved by the words of bastard saints
Do we live in fear or faith
Tell me now who's behind the rain

A maze of tangled grace
The symptoms of "for real?" are crumbling from embrace
But still we chase... the shadows of belief
And new religion clouds our visions
of the roots of our souls

Are we ashamed of our own fate
Or play the fool for our own sake
Tell me who's behind the rain

What do we need where do we go
When we get where we don't know
Why should we doubt the Virgin white of fallen snow
When faith's our shelter from the cold

Quicksand Jesus I'm so far away without you
Quicksand Jesus I'm so far away without you
Quicksand Jesus I'm so far away, away
Quicksand Jesus I'm so far away

Quicksand Jesus, I need you
Quicksand Jesus, I believe you
Quicksand, I'm so far away... to be in your way

User Mood mood: - | Now Playing now playing: Skid Row - Get The Fuck Out

Commento di DeepBlue
10-08-2004 17:40
ma tu quale sei? :asd:

Commento di LazerPhEa
10-08-2004 17:40

Commento di Serpico
10-08-2004 17:40
ma.... ma... grandissimi! ;) 18 and life..... quanti ricordi..... :)

Commento di Jorda
10-08-2004 17:40
oh oh... oh... MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sebastian Bach!!!!!! :sbav: :sbav: :sbav: :love: :love: :love: !!

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