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.dsy:it. .dsy:it. ~ Ste Ramone's journal ~ Smiths? Morrissey.
Smiths? Morrissey.
25-07-2004 00:13

There’s a place in the sun
for anyone who has the will to chase one
and I think I’ve found mine
yes, I do believe I have found mine / so
Close your eyes
and think of someone
you physically admire
and let me kiss you
let me kiss you
I’ve zig-zagged all over America
and I cannot find a safety haven
would you let me cry
on your shoulder
I’ve heard that you’ll try anything twice
Close your eyes
and think of someone
you physically admire
and let me kiss you
let me kiss you
But then you open your eyes
and you see someone
that you physically despise
but my heart is open
my heart is open to you

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Commento di lallyblue
25-07-2004 00:13
:lode: :lode: :lode:

Commento di CLod
25-07-2004 00:13
a trivial question

Commento di Serpico
25-07-2004 00:13
everyday is like sunday

Commento di 0m4r
25-07-2004 00:13
give me five, get down, all right [size=1]avrei voluto scrivere quacosa di intelligente anche io, ma più di così l'Inglese non lo conosco....e mi permetto di aggiungere...stica![/size]

Commento di Serpico
25-07-2004 00:13
li ascoltavo proprio ieri. un'altra che adoro è some girls are better than others

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