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.dsy:it. .dsy:it. ~ Dodo's journal ~ Ramones - The KKK Took My Baby Away
Ramones - The KKK Took My Baby Away
04-07-2004 12:49
The KKK Took My Baby Away

She went away for the holidays
Said she's going to L.A.
but she never got there
She never got there
She never got there, they say


The KKK took my baby away
they took her away
away from me
The KKK took my baby
they took her away
away from me

now I don't know
Where my baby can be
they took her from me
they took her from me
I don't know
where my baby can be
they took her from me
they took her from me

ring me, ring me, ring me
Up the President
and find out
Where my baby went
ring me, ring me, ring me
Up the FBI
and find out if
my baby's alive
yeah, yeah, yeah


She went away for the holidays


The KKK took my baby away


They took my girl
They took my baby away
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Commento di angelko
04-07-2004 12:49
ramones :lode:

Commento di Ste Ramone
04-07-2004 12:49
OH YEAH! :D [IMG]http://simpsons.metropoliglobal.com/famosos/1F01TheRamones.jpg[/IMG]

Commento di Serpico
04-07-2004 12:49
è nettamente una delle mie preferite insieme a sheena is a punk rocker! (e tante altre ;) )

Commento di Dodo
04-07-2004 12:49
Ste => mi sa che mi sono perso quella puntata :-o ti ricordi che puntata è? :D Serpico =>belle entrambi vero... ma anche havana affair e i wanna be seated :) angelko => Gabba gabba We accept you We accept you One of us :D

Commento di Ste Ramone
04-07-2004 12:49
Mo certo, è la puntata dove fanno la festa di compleanno al signor burns. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BURNSY! Ramones: "Vorrei solo dire che questo ingaggio fa schifo! Si! Va a quel paese Springfield! ONE TWO THREE FOUR!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BURNSY!" Ramones concludono :"Va all'inferno vecchio bbastardo! " :D Burns a Smithers " Fa uccidere i Rolling Stones" Smither a Burns "ma signore questi nn sono i..." Burns "FA COME TI DICO!!!"

Commento di Dodo
04-07-2004 12:49
Burns a Smithers " Fa uccidere i Rolling Stones" Smither a Burns "ma signore questi nn sono i..." Burns "FA COME TI DICO!!!" :lol:

Commento di web (non registrato)
04-07-2004 12:49
gabba gabba hey! :D

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