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.dsy:it. .dsy:it. ~ LazerPhEa's journal ~ Venerdi santo...
Venerdi santo...
09-04-2004 10:38
Visto che oggi è venerdi santo, e che come tutti i venerdi santi che si rispettino piove...

Deicide - Once upon the cross

Fear him, fear him, fear him.... Satan

Nazarene in the valley of persuasion
To receive last temptation from Lord Satan
"Take a bite" said the serpent, "eat of it"
Without no choice to do so, you cannot resist

Impaled crucifixion
Compassion forgot
Enternal damnation
Once upon the cross

Blashpemy laughs at thee
Jesus you've been deceived
Struggling on the cross
Gagging to breathe
Despise you god, question why
You were retrieved by the angel of light

Once upon the cross

Kill him, kill him, kill him.... Satan

Nazarene screaming on his crucifixion
Prophecy in its final contradiction
When you die is when the lie will be believed
Upon the cross, before the world to see
Once upon the cross

User Mood mood: :D | Now Playing now playing: Deicide - Serpents of the Light

Commento di Ste Ramone
09-04-2004 10:38
http://www.angelfire.com/apes/flingpoo/jesus1.swf :D

Commento di LazerPhEa
09-04-2004 10:38
Grandioso!!! :lol:

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