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.dsy:it. .dsy:it. ~ REQUIEM's journal ~ Follow the freezing moon...
Follow the freezing moon...
09-02-2004 11:33
Everything here is so cold
Everything here is so dark
I remember it as from a dream
In the corner of this time

Diabolic Shapes float by
Out from the dark
I remember it was here I died
By following the freezing moon

It's night again, night you beautiful
I please my hunger on living humans
Night of hunger, follow it's call
Follow the freezing moon

Darkness is growing, the eternity opens
The cemetary lights up again
As in ancient times
Fallen souls, die behind my steps
by following the freezing moon
User Mood mood: Normale | Now Playing now playing: Mayhem - Freezing Moon

Commento di Ste Ramone
09-02-2004 11:33
When it's cold and when it's dark the freezing moon can OBSESS you! (Dead) :lode: [IMG]http://katatonia.musica.mustdie.ru/Dead3.jpg[/IMG]

Commento di REQUIEM
09-02-2004 11:33
eheheheheh non credevo qualcuno sapesse apprezzare

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