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23-01-2004 19:09
Long distance - Turin Brakes

Well if this gets ugly,
I'd swear,
This ain't our last chance,
The vulctures that circle,
My head,
Are flying alongside,
The world's turning.

I let somebody get under my skin,
Long distance losing is all that I've seen,
Now there's a river,
Now there's a river.

Nothing can save me,
My reserve betrayed me,
It calmed the hurricanes,
I'm burning to get there,
The middle of nowhere,
Storm warnings flicker while,
The world's turning,

I let somebody get under my skin,
Long distance losing is all that I've seen,
Now there's a river,
Now there's a river.

User Mood mood: in the middle of nowhere | Now Playing now playing: long distance - turin brakes

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