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.dsy:it. .dsy:it. ~ luckyz's journal ~ Christmas with the yours
Christmas with the yours
24-12-2003 16:53
I am in the room waiting for Santa and for Claus
suddenly by night they will arrive
can't you feel the typical cling cling cling cling cling
presents for the good coal for the bad
proprio come diceva mia mamma

Christmas with the yours
Easter what you want
Peace between Blur and Oasis
Christmas with the yours
Easter what you want
Dont't throw atomic bombs becouse it's christmas time.

Panettone is on the table and everybody's drinking Moscato
Go to buy a tree but not a true tree becouse otherwise it would die die die die die
Panettone is on the table but it is another one
infatti e' quello senza canditi

Christmas with the yours
Easter what you want
Peace between Lino e Cecchetto
Christmas with the yours
Easter what you want
don't drop atomic bombs at least at christmas time.

Proprio come diceva mia mamma
sai come diceva mia mamma.
Christmas with the yours
Easter what you want
Peace between Lino e Cecchetto
Christmas with the yours
Easter what you want
leavin' the refreshing world of Christmas
User Mood mood: .:Very.Christmas:. | Now Playing now playing: Elio e le storie tese - Christmas with the yours

Commento di DeepBlue
24-12-2003 16:53
Grande Elio :clap:

Commento di Serpico
24-12-2003 16:53
per colpa tua ho passato tutto il giorno di natale con in testa qs canzone!!! :)

Commento di 0m4r
24-12-2003 16:53
mitico Elio... proprio come diceva mia mamma!

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