.dsy:it. ~ Terrytop's journal ~ ferrovie italiane |
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come al solito sempre buona l'idea dell'italia all'estero
un po' triste il fatto che hanno pure ragione
Under Mussolini the trains ran on time here at least, or so Adlai Stevenson famously quipped.
Now the nation's rail and telecommunications providers are hoping to rival that trick -- not by making the trains actually run on time, but by telling frustrated travelers how late they will be.
Vkhadyila pyesnyu zavodyila
pro stepnovo sizovo orla
pro tavo katorovo lubyila
pro tavo tshi pyisma beregla |
(none) | now playing: Linea 77 - Moka |
Commento di Serpico |
29-11-2006 19:07 |
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"quando c'era lui i treni arrivavano in orario
quando c'era lui... ci deportavano in orario"