.dsy:it. ~ bat-erika's journal ~ Pant pant pant |
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sto arrancando.
Però è andata bene in Italia. La cosa buona è la nota spese. Soprattutto se paghi con la carta di credito di papà perchè la tua -sa solo dio perchè- non funziona in molti posti. Quindi papà paga ed nte il versamento lo fa a me. Non male.
Però son stanca. Ma finalmente domani avrò la sensazione del fine settimana, chè è troppo tempo che non provo. Quasi ci si scorda cosa voglia dire stare a casa il sabato.
Bene così.
L'altra sera ho parlato di 'sta canzone. Non c'azzecca molto, nè con adesso nè con l'altra sera... ma la posto lo stesso.
Beside a Singin' Mountain Stream
Where the Willow grew
Where the Silver Leaf of Maple
Sparkled in the Mornin' Dew
I braided Twigs of Willows
Made a String of Buckeye Beads;
But Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need
Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need.
I leaned against a Bark of Birch
And I breathed the Honey Dew
I saw a North-bound Flock of Geese
Against a Sky of Baby Blue
Beside the Lily Pads
I carved a Whistle from a Reed;
Mother Nature's quite a Lady
But you're the one I need
Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need.
A Cardinal sang just for me
And I thanked him for the Song
Then the Sun went slowly down the West
And I had to move along
These were some of the things
On which my Mind and Spirit feed;
But Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need
Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need.
So when this Day was ended
I was still not satisfied
For I knew ev'rything I touched
Would wither and would die
And Love is all that will remain
And grow from all these Seed;
Mother Nature's quite a Lady
But you're the one I need
Flesh And Blood need Flesh And Blood
And you're the one I need.
Torno a lavorare va.... che è meglio... |
cotta | now playing: niente |
Commento di fdecollibus |
17-11-2006 13:35 |
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Si, la nota spese, quando te la pagano, è fantastica. |