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.dsy:it. .dsy:it. ~ LazerPhEa's journal ~ Speak To Me
Speak To Me
12-09-2005 10:22
Dream Theater - Speak To Me

I remember when we were so young
You embraced my fears and made me strong
Never did you actually hold my hand
Your silence no one else would understand

Did you fall?
Did you crawl?
Will you open up at all?
Did you hear
things you fear?
Did I make it clear?

Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me what you're feeling inside
Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me what you're feeling inside

Do you like the clothes she wears today
Colliding love affair against a shade
Often times I wish she'd speak to me
Her holy open book, a world revealed to see

Did you fall?
Did you crawl?
Will you open up at all?
Did you hear
things you fear?
Did I make it clear?

Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me what you're feeling inside
Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me all you're feeling inside

So easy, easier
If you spoke to me
So easy, easier
Speak to me

Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me what you're feeling inside
Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me what you're thinking
Tell me all you're feeling inside
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Commento di holylaw
12-09-2005 10:22
scusa la mia ignoranza ma da dove viene questa canzone? Da qualche Christmas Cd forse?

Commento di LazerPhEa
12-09-2005 10:22
Essatto... ed è anche in "Five years in a live time"... bellissima! :)

Commento di holylaw
12-09-2005 10:22
ottimo, grazie per la dritta e pensare che i Christmas Cd li ho sempre snobbati...

Commento di LazerPhEa
12-09-2005 10:22
Errore! Ci sono delle vere e proprie perle! Non so se conosci "To live forever"... in caso contrario procuratela assolutamente!!! :)

Commento di holylaw
12-09-2005 10:22
allora devo aver preso l'unico sfigato, quello del '98 (o '97), una sorta di making of di Falling Into Infinity... provvedero' a queste lacune (wow, "nuovi" cd dei dream, non dovro' aspettare ancora 2 anni magari per una ciofeca :D )

Commento di LazerPhEa
12-09-2005 10:22

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