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.dsy:it. .dsy:it. ~ Feranz's journal ~ She just
She just
23-05-2005 09:17
REM - She just wants to be

It's not that she walked away,
her world got smaller.
All the usual places, the same destinations,
only something's changed.

It's not that she wasn't rewarded
with pomegranate afternoons
and Mingus, Chet Baker and chess.

It's not the stampede and fortune
of prim affectations
she's off on a right and she knows now
it's greater than the whole
of the past
it's greater
and now she knows.

She just wants to be somewhere
she just wants to be.
She just wants to be somewhere
she just wants to be.

It's not that the transparency
of earlier incarnations
now we're back on, we're enriched
and loaded
with beautiful vulnerability
and now she knows.

Now is greater
and she knows that.

She just wants to be somewhere
she just wants to be.
She just wants to be somewhere
she just wants to be.

Now is greater
now is greater
and she knows that

She just wants to be somewhere
she just wants to be.
She just wants to be somewhere
she just wants to be.

It's not like the angels
could truly look down
stir up the trappings
and light on the ground.
Remind us of what, when,
why or who?
The how's up to us, me and you
and now is greater than the whole
of the past
is greater and now she knows that.

Now she knows.

Domani parto per il mare. Tornerò fra un po'. Mi vado a dare 'na sciacquata, va.

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Commento di LazerPhEa
23-05-2005 09:17
Azz... allora domani non ci sei? Mmm... stavo tirando martedì per chiacchierare un pò, visto che non ti ho ancora scritto una mazza... Ti prego, puniscimi... :( ;)

Commento di Alf
23-05-2005 09:17
Sado ?

Commento di Jorda
23-05-2005 09:17
Persisti nello (voler) scrivere a Feranz e ignorare me?? :evil: :evil: :evil: ????? Feranza, torna presto, con la panza... che dobbiamo lavorare! :smack:

Commento di jdhoring
23-05-2005 09:17

Commento di Feranz
23-05-2005 09:17
@lazer: ti prego una cippa. non ti punisco manco per niente. @jorda: ok. @jd: cazzo ti ridi? :asd: @alf: stai in vacanza pure tu?

Commento di LazerPhEa
23-05-2005 09:17
[quote]Persisti nello (voler) scrivere a Feranz e ignorare me?? ?????[quote] No, è che le avevo promesso dei commenti, cazzo! :)

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