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.dsy:it. .dsy:it. ~ bimbamel's journal ~ Up Where We Belong
Up Where We Belong
27-02-2005 20:07
Who knows what tomorrow brings
In a world, few hearts survive
All I know is the way I feel
When it's real, I keep it alive
The road is long, there are mountains in our way
But we climb a step every day

Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry on a mountain high
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the world we know, up where the clear winds blow

Some hang on to "used to be"
Live their lives, looking behind
All we have is here and now
All our life, out there to find
The road is long, there are mountains in our way,
But we climb them a step every day

Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry on a mountain high
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the world we know, up where the clear winds blow

Time goes by
No time to cry
Life's you and I
Alive, today

Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry on a mountain high
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the world we know, up where the clear winds blow
User Mood mood: Malinconica | Now Playing now playing: Up Where We Belong

Commento di jdhoring
27-02-2005 20:07
Joe Cocker e Jennifer Warnes, stupendo duetto

Commento di JaM
27-02-2005 20:07
io conosco "Down were we belong" dei Wumpscut... ma e' un'altra storia... :D

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