Dodo |
va beh.. photoshop rulez :D
... |
21-04-2005 19:42 |
Dodo |

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va beh.. photoshop rulez 

E' meglio essere ottimisti ed avere torto piuttosto che pessimisti ed avere ragione.
Albert Einstein
21-04-2005 19:42 |
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Ste Ramone |
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LazerPhEa [/i]
... |
21-04-2005 19:46 |
Ste Ramone |

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Originally posted by LazerPhEa
Toh, maledetti!

Non ci assomiglio!
valutare la possibilità che siete la stessa persona? semplicemente Piero Pelù è un tuo pseudonimo 
"The more the water, the higher the boat"
DeviantART - Blog - Portfolio
21-04-2005 19:46 |
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Pegasus83 |
[img]http://www.pegasus83.com/altro/alefot.jpg[/im ... |
21-04-2005 19:51 |
Pegasus83 |

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Il Pega
21-04-2005 19:51 |
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foolish |
[URL=http://img244.echo.cx/my.php?image=bw09copy2v ... |
21-04-2005 20:08 |
foolish |

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The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke.
21-04-2005 20:08 |
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Juventina |
Ecco il mio:
... |
21-04-2005 21:33 |
Juventina |

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Ecco il mio:

Don't be evil 
21-04-2005 21:33 |
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cato |
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by foolish [/i]
... |
21-04-2005 21:49 |
cato |
Wild boys always shine

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Originally posted by foolish
per fortuna tu mi capisci 
code: , , | | Me@Flickr
[ov0] | | my photo Blog
{| |} |@| Pallavolo La Nuova Rossa Milano
--"-"--| |
-------| | "If You Can't Open It, You Don't Own It"
21-04-2005 21:49 |
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Juventina |
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cato [/i]
... |
21-04-2005 22:48 |
Juventina |

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Originally posted by cato
per fortuna tu mi capisci

Don't be evil 
21-04-2005 22:48 |
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Napolux |
[img]http://napolux.altervista.org/files/4.jpg[/im ... |
22-04-2005 07:08 |
Napolux |
-29 Kg da Settembre 2005

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Si vede che amo alla follia il giallo #ffcc66 ???

Questa foto me l'ha fatta cato l'anno scorso mentre preparavamo ETL 
22-04-2005 07:08 |
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cato |
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juventina [/i]
... |
22-04-2005 11:12 |
cato |
Wild boys always shine

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Originally posted by Juventina
alla tua mancano i contorni 
code: , , | | Me@Flickr
[ov0] | | my photo Blog
{| |} |@| Pallavolo La Nuova Rossa Milano
--"-"--| |
-------| | "If You Can't Open It, You Don't Own It"
22-04-2005 11:12 |
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ripe |
Sinceramente non ho capito cosa bisogna fare, ma m ... |
22-04-2005 11:35 |
ripe |
- up in the mountains -

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Sinceramente non ho capito cosa bisogna fare, ma mi piace un casino questo filtro di Photoshop... 

Io sono quello armato di falcetto e impaler... foto poco tamarra! 
«And if you ever smell christian blood up in the mountains, then get your axe and chop them down!»
22-04-2005 11:35 |
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ripe |
Quale? Questa?
... |
22-04-2005 11:42 |
ripe |
- up in the mountains -

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Quale? Questa?

«And if you ever smell christian blood up in the mountains, then get your axe and chop them down!»
22-04-2005 11:42 |
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LazerPhEa |
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ripe [/i]
... |
22-04-2005 11:46 |
LazerPhEa |
Vendo Steinberger GM7TA

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Originally posted by ripe
Quale? Questa?

Questo è il giardino
Dove il principe muore
Nessun sentiero
Nessun destriero
Soltanto un nome... Eterno...
22-04-2005 11:46 |
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