Lightman |
[quote][i]Originally posted by "empirico"[/i] ... |
19-09-2002 12:01 |
Lightman |

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Originally posted by "empirico"
per l'avatar
Porco, ti piacciono le ragazzine degli hentai, e' ?!?!?
"What peece of worke is a man, how noble in reason, how infinit in faculties, in forme and moouing, how expresse and admirable in action, how like an Angell in apprehension, how like a God: the beautie of the world; the paragon of Annimales; and yet to me, what is this Quintessence of dust: man delights not me" - Hamlet
19-09-2002 12:01 |
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Lightman |
[quote][i]Originally posted by "Lunik"[/i] ... |
19-09-2002 12:02 |
Lightman |

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Originally posted by "Lunik"
grazie Alpha....ora ho capito cos'è vulcano, ma continuo a non capire la frase di Lightman...è successo qlcsa al server? 
Ma porc!!! Ma tu i forum li leggi o no ?!?!?!?! Vai su de bell...
"What peece of worke is a man, how noble in reason, how infinit in faculties, in forme and moouing, how expresse and admirable in action, how like an Angell in apprehension, how like a God: the beautie of the world; the paragon of Annimales; and yet to me, what is this Quintessence of dust: man delights not me" - Hamlet
19-09-2002 12:02 |
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Lunik |
tu prima parlavi di vulcano.....in un topic.....ah ... |
19-09-2002 12:06 |
Lunik |
dsy core staff

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tu prima parlavi di vulcano.....in un topic.....ah ti riferivi a quello?è la stessa cosa allora...ora ho capito tutto....
Il DSY su Facebook!!!
19-09-2002 12:06 |
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Lightman |
[quote][i]Originally posted by "Lunik"[/i] ... |
19-09-2002 12:08 |
Lightman |

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Originally posted by "Lunik"
tu prima parlavi di vulcano.....in un topic.....ah ti riferivi a quello?è la stessa cosa allora...ora ho capito tutto....
alla buon'ora .... 
Scusa la domanda, ma non e' che forse faresti meglio a prenderti un paio di caffe' stamattina ?!?!?! O magari una Jolt ...
"What peece of worke is a man, how noble in reason, how infinit in faculties, in forme and moouing, how expresse and admirable in action, how like an Angell in apprehension, how like a God: the beautie of the world; the paragon of Annimales; and yet to me, what is this Quintessence of dust: man delights not me" - Hamlet
19-09-2002 12:08 |
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Lunik |
:evil: se mi dicevi subito ke i due vulcano di cui ... |
19-09-2002 12:09 |
Lunik |
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se mi dicevi subito ke i due vulcano di cui parlavi erano la stessa cosa...forse.....
vai a studiare LFA...và...
Il DSY su Facebook!!!
19-09-2002 12:09 |
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Lightman |
[quote][i]Originally posted by "Lunik"[/i] ... |
19-09-2002 12:10 |
Lightman |

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Originally posted by "Lunik"
vai a studiare LFA...và...
Hai gia' dato, cara ????
"What peece of worke is a man, how noble in reason, how infinit in faculties, in forme and moouing, how expresse and admirable in action, how like an Angell in apprehension, how like a God: the beautie of the world; the paragon of Annimales; and yet to me, what is this Quintessence of dust: man delights not me" - Hamlet
19-09-2002 12:10 |
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Lunik |
ma io non ho più LFA passando a comDig...:asd: :p ... |
19-09-2002 12:11 |
Lunik |
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ma io non ho più LFA passando a comDig...  
Il DSY su Facebook!!!
19-09-2002 12:11 |
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Lightman |
[quote][i]Originally posted by "Lunik"[/i] ... |
19-09-2002 12:15 |
Lightman |

Registered: Jul 2002
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Originally posted by "Lunik"
ma io non ho più LFA passando a comDig...  
ti venisse....
"What peece of worke is a man, how noble in reason, how infinit in faculties, in forme and moouing, how expresse and admirable in action, how like an Angell in apprehension, how like a God: the beautie of the world; the paragon of Annimales; and yet to me, what is this Quintessence of dust: man delights not me" - Hamlet
19-09-2002 12:15 |
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AlphaGamma |
[quote][i]Originally posted by "empirico"[/i] ... |
19-09-2002 12:17 |
AlphaGamma |
.piano ma pieni.

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Originally posted by "empirico"
per l'avatar
Hai visto la pornografia minorile?
Attenzio', concentrazio', ritmo e VITALITÀ
19-09-2002 12:17 |
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korn |
[quote][i]Originally posted by "Lightman"[/i] ... |
19-09-2002 16:11 |
korn |

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Originally posted by "Lightman"
Originally posted by AlphaGamma
Tuttavia in questi mesi sono fioriti una decina di server alternativi che garantiranno continuita' al servizio di scambio files.
Sempre che adesso la Procura di Perugia non si metta a far controllare *tutti* i server nella subnet di fw ..... 
Non dimentichiamoci che stavolta si tratta di pornografia minorile...
finchè controllano e fermano la pornografia minorile sono assolutamente d'accordo, ma se pretendono di chiudere tutti i sistemi di filesharing allora so io dove possono andare..
» Collect some stars to shine for you, and start today ‘cause there are only a few. _ (In Flames)
» Don't stop for nothing, it's full speed or nothing! I'm taking down, you know, whatever is in my way! _ ('tallica)
» I am my own god, I do as I please. _ (Pain)
» Ninetynine, ninetynine knives! Ninetynine knives inside! Nobody gets out alive! _ (The Haunted)
Web: http://www.negativesignal.com - ICQ# 171585477 - Death to software patents! And TCPA too! "e uno!", diceva il boia.
19-09-2002 16:11 |
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