Napolux |
Ah, lei la conosco ;)
... |
22-04-2005 08:27 |
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luna |
auguuurrriiiii!!:D ... |
22-04-2005 08:31 |
luna |

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"Solamente il cuore ti permette di vedere chiaramente.L'essenziale e' invisibile agli occhi"
bisogna vivere "alla giornata", senza crearsi troppe aspettative. quello che viene sarà un "di più" ed è da mettere nel salvadanaio.
Sono troppo una grilla petulante by Nous
22-04-2005 08:31 |
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Bloody |
io no....
... |
22-04-2005 08:31 |
Bloody |
ex universitaria

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io no....
però auguri!!!!!! 
I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that.
22-04-2005 08:31 |
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Viry |
Auguri coinqui! ... |
22-04-2005 08:40 |
Viry |
dsy moderator

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Auguri coinqui!
When once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth, forever more, with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you long to return.
“Dovere, tempo, destino, tutto tende a separarci e, di fatto, ci separa. Ma il sentimento non conosce frontiere e mi unisce a te come se avessi sempre la mia mano sulla tua"
22-04-2005 08:40 |
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Ste Ramone |
augguurriiiii :°D ... |
22-04-2005 08:49 |
Ste Ramone |

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augguurriiiii :°D
"The more the water, the higher the boat"
DeviantART - Blog - Portfolio
22-04-2005 08:49 |
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Jorda |
Auguri!!! :D
... |
22-04-2005 08:59 |
Jorda |
Fuga dalla Mediocrità

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Semper incerta
Proud IULMina
22-04-2005 08:59 |
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Alf |
Ehi auguri :D ... |
22-04-2005 09:04 |
Alf |
°o.mini sayan.o°

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Ehi auguri 
(\ /)
( . .)
c('')('') This is Bunny!
Help her succeed in world domination by copy and pasting her in
your signature.
22-04-2005 09:04 |
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biscottina |
Augurissimi!!!! :) ... |
22-04-2005 09:34 |
biscottina |

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"Ecco il mio segreto. E' molto semplice: non si vede bene che col cuore. L'essenziale e' invisibile agli occhi".
22-04-2005 09:34 |
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joker402 |
Auguri!!! ... |
22-04-2005 09:41 |
joker402 |
dsy core staff

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Ogni uomo mente, ma dategli una maschera e sarà sincero.
~ joker402 ~
22-04-2005 09:41 |
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0m4r |
...minchia, ma quanto invecchi? ;P
... |
22-04-2005 10:23 |
0m4r |

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...minchia, ma quanto invecchi? ;P
tanti auguri!
22-04-2005 10:23 |
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Juventina |
auguri!!! ... |
22-04-2005 10:52 |
Juventina |

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Don't be evil 
22-04-2005 10:52 |
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Bulma |
Mi accodo: auguri! :) ... |
22-04-2005 11:01 |
Bulma |

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Mi accodo: auguri! 
The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed.
22-04-2005 11:01 |
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