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-- [Stampe] Consiglio stampante per foto (http://www.dsy.it/forum/showthread.php?threadid=22567)

Posted by korn on 08-11-2005 16:37:

[Stampe] Consiglio stampante per foto

Ho visto in giro parecchie stampanti ad-hoc per stampare foto da PC, perĂ² sono tutte max 10x15 e tra i consumabili non ho neanche trovato della carta opaca/satinata, solo lucida.

Sapreste dirmi se esiste qualcosa di meglio? Grazie.

» Collect some stars to shine for you, and start today ‘cause there are only a few. _ (In Flames)
» Don't stop for nothing, it's full speed or nothing! I'm taking down, you know, whatever is in my way! _ ('tallica)
» I am my own god, I do as I please. _ (Pain)
» Ninetynine, ninetynine knives! Ninetynine knives inside! Nobody gets out alive! _ (The Haunted)
Web: http://www.negativesignal.com - ICQ# 171585477 - Death to software patents! And TCPA too! "e uno!", diceva il boia.

Posted by ste.virus on 08-11-2005 16:46:

ma vuoi stampare foto in formato A4?


Posted by korn on 08-11-2005 16:52:

Originally posted by ste.virus
ma vuoi stampare foto in formato A4?

Eventualmente anche, ma mi riferivo in particolar modo ad alcuni formati intermedi piuttosto comuni nello sviluppo tradizionale in negozio.

» Collect some stars to shine for you, and start today ‘cause there are only a few. _ (In Flames)
» Don't stop for nothing, it's full speed or nothing! I'm taking down, you know, whatever is in my way! _ ('tallica)
» I am my own god, I do as I please. _ (Pain)
» Ninetynine, ninetynine knives! Ninetynine knives inside! Nobody gets out alive! _ (The Haunted)
Web: http://www.negativesignal.com - ICQ# 171585477 - Death to software patents! And TCPA too! "e uno!", diceva il boia.

Posted by cato on 08-11-2005 17:25:

Da quando hanno inventato i minlab digitali ho buttato via la stampante a getto di inchiostro e mi sono comprato una mini-laser,
per stampare una immagine scendo sotto casa e la do al mio fotografo che me la stampa.


  , ,  | | Me@Flickr  [ov0] | | my photo Blog  {| |} |@| Pallavolo La Nuova Rossa Milano --"-"--| | -------| | "If You Can't Open It, You Don't Own It"

Posted by korn on 09-11-2005 14:37:

Sono pigro, non ho voglia di mettere le foto su CD e portarle al fotografo.

» Collect some stars to shine for you, and start today ‘cause there are only a few. _ (In Flames)
» Don't stop for nothing, it's full speed or nothing! I'm taking down, you know, whatever is in my way! _ ('tallica)
» I am my own god, I do as I please. _ (Pain)
» Ninetynine, ninetynine knives! Ninetynine knives inside! Nobody gets out alive! _ (The Haunted)
Web: http://www.negativesignal.com - ICQ# 171585477 - Death to software patents! And TCPA too! "e uno!", diceva il boia.

Posted by cato on 09-11-2005 15:45:

ci sono i servizio via web...


  , ,  | | Me@Flickr  [ov0] | | my photo Blog  {| |} |@| Pallavolo La Nuova Rossa Milano --"-"--| | -------| | "If You Can't Open It, You Don't Own It"

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