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Posted by Morgan on 08-04-2005 16:03:

Materiale anno scorso

Ecco il materiale dell'anno scorso per il primo modulo di sistemi informativi

"I never really hated the one true god but the god of the people I hated!"
"I'm not a slave to a god that doesn't exist..."
"God is in the TV..." - MM -

Posted by ked on 08-04-2005 16:23:

Re: Materiale anno scorso

Originally posted by Morgan
Ecco il materiale dell'anno scorso per il primo modulo di sistemi informativi



Posted by Morgan on 08-04-2005 18:19:

Primo blocco di slide del prof Martella

"I never really hated the one true god but the god of the people I hated!"
"I'm not a slave to a god that doesn't exist..."
"God is in the TV..." - MM -

Posted by Morgan on 08-04-2005 18:22:

Secondo blocco di slide del prof Martella

"I never really hated the one true god but the god of the people I hated!"
"I'm not a slave to a god that doesn't exist..."
"God is in the TV..." - MM -

Posted by Morgan on 08-04-2005 18:25:

Scusate per il ritardo :oops:... un impegno improvviso.. le altre slide (cusmai e rosci) sono troppo grosse per poterle postare qui.. e cmq sono molto simili a quelle di quest'anno

"I never really hated the one true god but the god of the people I hated!"
"I'm not a slave to a god that doesn't exist..."
"God is in the TV..." - MM -

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