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-- [Vendo Hardware] Muskin DDR (http://www.dsy.it/forum/showthread.php?threadid=10839)

Posted by CrackDown on 13-05-2004 15:36:

[Vendo Hardware] Mushkin DDR

Vendo a 180€
2 banchi da 256Mb l'uno di memoria ram
DDR Mushkin Level II ottimizzata per Dual Channel
(non più in produzione...ora si trova la più economica Level I...leggete avanti)

Con il mio Barton 3200+ tiene latency 2-2-2 SENZA overvolt nè altre modifiche. Dissipatore rame incluso.

Ecco un estratto dal sito www.pc-memory-upgrade.co.uk

"Winbond have stopped production of the legendary BH-5 chips some time ago. The BH-5 chips are well known for their ability to overclock and have long been a hit with overclockers and gamers.
Mushkin have been the last company to make DDR RAM with these chips - their Level2 PC3200 and PC3500 use BH-5 chips.
Unfortunately Mushkin have now run out of BH-5 chips, and the Level2 range has been discontinued.
We still have limited quantities of their Level2 DDR RAM in stock... this is the very last chance to get your hands on the BH-5 chips!
Update: All Mushkin Level2 has been sold out!

Astenersi perditemo (memorie non consigliate a semplici utenti)

PS - Sul suddetto sito trovate le Mushkin Level I SPECIAL che a PC3200 vanno anche loro a 2-2-2 (Chip BH-6)...peccato che costino circa 15 euro in più di quanto vendo le mie Mushkin Level II con chi BH-5 PC3500...
e dico solo "mah"...

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