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-- [VENDO]CD e DVD Vergini (http://www.dsy.it/forum/showthread.php?threadid=25795)

Posted by Skilotto83 on 26-05-2006 19:20:

[VENDO]CD e DVD Vergini

Ciao a tutti..

campane da 50 (DVD+) della Verbatim 16x a 22 euro, 25 euro con le bustine.
Se comprate 100DVD faccio 45 euro con bustine..40 euro senza..

Solo campane..niente cd sfusi...
Fatemi sapere...

Consegna a mano in comelico oppure ci accordiamo...

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by ale82info on 26-05-2006 19:29:

hai anche le bustine?
potrei essere interessato ad un ordine molto sostanzioso

Posted by Skilotto83 on 26-05-2006 19:37:

hai PM

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by nanni on 26-05-2006 19:51:


io prendo 2 campane da 50 DVD....fammi sapere quando ci possiamo vedere!

Posted by Skilotto83 on 26-05-2006 20:10:

aspetto ale82info che è stato il primo...
Poi a seconda di quello ti do conferma..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by ale82info on 27-05-2006 09:19:

io passo...
prego nanni! ;)

Posted by nanni on 28-05-2006 19:01:


ok...a me ne servono 2 di campane...

Posted by ale82info on 28-05-2006 19:32:

te lo scrivo qui perchè hai il pm pieno...
il mio fornitore mi ha proposto 500+bustine a 95....se riesci a farmi lo stesso prezzo o meno prendo da te! ;)

Posted by Skilotto83 on 28-05-2006 20:26:

Re: ...

Originally posted by nanni
ok...a me ne servono 2 di campane...

nanni ti ho scritto un pm...
fammi sapere...

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 28-05-2006 20:27:

Originally posted by ale82info
te lo scrivo qui perchè hai il pm pieno...
il mio fornitore mi ha proposto 500+bustine a 95....se riesci a farmi lo stesso prezzo o meno prendo da te! ;)

nada...passo..a quel prezzo quasi ci smeno...

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 30-05-2006 10:23:

nanni hai pm pieni...
Va bene domani in venezian..se riesci alle 12 è meglio..
Aspetto risposta..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by nanni on 30-05-2006 10:55:


sorry skilotto......cmq per me domani va bene....allora alle 12 davanti al cancello! A domani!

Posted by Skilotto83 on 04-06-2006 19:43:

Ho editato..solo cd..finiti i DVD..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 05-06-2006 09:04:

nanni se svuoti i PM ti rispondo...

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 10-06-2006 13:46:


"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 16-06-2006 19:11:


"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by nanni on 06-07-2006 08:27:

ciao Andrea!!!...Senti non è che per caso riesci a procurarmi altri 50 Dvd verbatim come l'altra volta?! ?!
Aapetto notizie!!!
Ciao ciao

Posted by Skilotto83 on 12-07-2006 14:04:

zero nanni...
I dvd sono finiti fino a settembre...mi spiace..Il tipo è all'estero..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 27-07-2006 19:49:


"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 01-10-2006 12:59:

ho di nuovo i dvd disponibili....
Sono verbatim 16x DVD + o DVD - a scelta...
Campana da 50 a 18 euro...con bustine 20euro...
In piu' rimangono i CD disponibili..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Lunik on 01-10-2006 13:18:

compro una campana da 50 con bustine :)
io lavoro in segreteria di Comelico... chiedi di ASTRID ;)

p.s. quante campane hai disponibili?

Il DSY su Facebook!!!

Posted by and1 on 01-10-2006 15:53:

se x caso sei in celoria/venezian domani verso le 15.30 io ne prendo 100 senza bustine.

Posted by Skilotto83 on 01-10-2006 16:41:

avete PM!

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Lunik on 01-10-2006 19:17:

risposto :)
domani ok!

Il DSY su Facebook!!!

Posted by ^Belzebu^ on 02-10-2006 14:17:

Originally posted by Skilotto83
ho di nuovo i dvd disponibili....
Sono verbatim 16x DVD + o DVD - a scelta...
Campana da 50 a 18 euro...con bustine 20euro...
In piu' rimangono i CD disponibili..

anche a me servono i dvd.
ti mando pm.


Meglio essere Padroni all'Inferno che schiavi in paradiso!

Posted by Quartermaster on 02-10-2006 15:25:

ti prendo 2 campane da 50 dvd +r.
Non riesco a venire in uni. se mi fai sapere quando tu sei in uni vedo di organizzarmi con qualche mio amico.
Fammi sapere.

Posted by Skilotto83 on 02-10-2006 15:29:

Ok..Poi ti mando un pm..
E con questo i DVD sono finiti di nuovo... :)
siete degli assatanati..
Vedo di rifornire..
Rimangono i CD per chi ne vuole..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Quartermaster on 02-10-2006 15:38:

Originally posted by Skilotto83
Ok..Poi ti mando un pm..
E con questo i DVD sono finiti di nuovo... :)
siete degli assatanati..
Vedo di rifornire..
Rimangono i CD per chi ne vuole..

hai pm pieni.
per me va bene ma non riesco ad essere li prima delle 7..
solo dvd niente bustine

Posted by Lunik on 02-10-2006 19:47:

hai pm!
x domani non riesco...x le 12 devo essere dal dentista... occhio e croce x le 14.30 dovrei essere libera..che facciamo?

Il DSY su Facebook!!!

Posted by Skilotto83 on 06-11-2006 19:04:

Settimana prossima becco il fornitore...
Se volete qualcosa fatemi sapere....
Sempre verbatim 16x DVD+R o DVD-R a scelta...
A sto giro campana da 50DVD a 20 euro...
Ma scendo se ne prendete tanti..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 08-11-2006 09:09:

Ho preso contatto con il fornitore...
Chi ne prende 100 in blocco la paga 35 euro!!!
Sempe DVD Verbatim 16x..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Smirne on 08-11-2006 09:26:

ciao, mi interesserebbero 50 dvd con bustine..

Sviluppo software tra Italia e Svizzera

Posted by Alececk84 on 08-11-2006 22:05:

Hai un pm

Se Ghe L'ìo Me La Dào - MLCM
Corri corri ragazzo ribelle fuma e bevi sotto le stelle...ma non bucare mai la tua pelle se no le stelle non le vedi più...
De bei come nuun la mam la n'en fa più...'lsa rot la machineta e al pà 'lghe tira più...
MY SITE - MY BLOG- MY FOTO ALBUM - MSN: alececk84@hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 20-11-2006 15:49:


"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by elly on 20-11-2006 18:13:

io vorrei una campana da 50 dvd con bustine se possibile non ho pm fammi sapere...

Posted by Skilotto83 on 20-11-2006 21:31:

devi farmi sapere se dvd+ o dvd-!!!
Ma come nn hai pm??
Cmq c'è il mio indirizzo msn se vuoi aggiungimi!

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by P.Raso on 21-11-2006 08:22:

Mi procuri anche a me una campana da 50 DVD Verbatim 16x dvd+ ?

Pasqualino Raso Website: http://www.pasqualinoraso.com/

Posted by elly on 21-11-2006 16:31:

una campana di dvd-r con le bustine, per me la consegna va bene tutte le mattine in comelico dimmi tu che giorno di preciso.

Posted by Skilotto83 on 21-11-2006 16:49:

se puoi per le 13 facciamo giovedi'..solo che devi darmi un contatto o qualcosa...come faccio a trovarti senno??
E mettere il cell qui nn mi sembra una buona idea...

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by elly on 21-11-2006 17:18:

giusto, facciamo che mando una mail a skillotto83@libero.it??

Posted by Skilotto83 on 21-11-2006 19:12:

con una 'l' , non con due!
Mandami un mail con il cellulare...
Rimaniamo x giovedi alle 13 in comelico?

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by elly on 22-11-2006 09:20:

ok inviata e-mail... ok per domani..

Posted by nanni on 12-01-2007 16:31:

Ciao andrè!!! senti, 3 campane, 150 DVD......disponibili?!?!

Posted by Skilotto83 on 12-01-2007 16:59:

nada cazzo...
Sto aspettando che quel coglione torna dai suoi viaggi d'affari...

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by nanni on 12-01-2007 17:58:

ok...indicativamente quando torna il coglione?! X°D

Posted by Duke on 14-01-2007 10:31:

interessato anche io ad una campana da 50

mate discreta contattami che studiamo assieme -->HELP

Posted by Skilotto83 on 14-01-2007 14:44:

credo roba d 1 settimana...

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by and1 on 14-01-2007 17:47:

anche io mi prenoto per 150 dvd-r :D

Posted by Skilotto83 on 28-01-2007 14:17:

campana da 50 (DVD+ o DVD-) della Verbatim 16x a 22 euro, 25 euro con le bustine.
se servono ho ancora 300 cd vergini, 22 euro campana da 100, 25 con bustine, sono benq 52x.

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 28-01-2007 14:18:

affrettatevi perchè ne ho presi solo 500 in totale..visto che nessuno ha lasciato prenotazioni..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by nanni on 28-01-2007 14:18:

saliti di prezzo andrè?

Posted by Skilotto83 on 28-01-2007 14:22:

purtroppo si...da 2 mesi mi ha detto il tipo...Non son stato a parlare bene ma è una questione doganale..
Sui CD è pure peggio dicono..ma io nn ne avevo bisogno..Purtroppo nn posso permettermi di mantenere il prezzo base..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by giatton84 on 29-01-2007 21:56:

dvd a meno?..a me non interessa che siano 16x...a 4x basta e avanza..

Credo nella reincarnazione. Nel testamento, mi sono nominato unico erede....

Posted by Skilotto83 on 30-01-2007 08:28:

a meno ho smesso di comprarli...
Si bruciano per niente...E la gente me li restituisce...I verbatim sono una garanzia..


Per chi ne prende 100 in blocco posso fare 40 in totale, 45 totali con bustine...

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by and1 on 30-01-2007 14:06:

hai PM, ne ho bisogno di 300 entro il fine settimana se si può !!!

Posted by Skilotto83 on 01-02-2007 11:56:

Rimasti solo i DVD+R!!!!

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by nanni on 02-02-2007 12:35:

quando ti arrivano gli altri -R andrea?

Posted by Skilotto83 on 02-02-2007 14:46:

nanni cazzo me lo dicevi te li tenevo!!!
cmq nn lo so...credo si riparli di 2 settimane...

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by nanni on 02-02-2007 19:27:

no ma tranquillo fa niente!!! posso aspettare...ne ho ancora una 10ina =)

Posted by Skilotto83 on 08-02-2007 13:58:


"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Duke on 08-02-2007 18:19:

mi servono dei dvd, ne hai ancora?

mate discreta contattami che studiamo assieme -->HELP

Posted by Nonsaprei on 08-02-2007 18:48:

a me servirebbero dei cd-r, esistono ancora???


Posted by Skilotto83 on 08-02-2007 19:41:

campana da 100 a 25 euro con bustine...oppure 22 senza bustine..
Sono BENQ cd-r 80 a 52x...

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 08-02-2007 19:50:

Originally posted by Duke
mi servono dei dvd, ne hai ancora?

ne ho ancora ma solo DVD+r...
Mandami pm..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Nonsaprei on 09-02-2007 12:34:

ok ti prendo la campana da 100, devo solo decidere se prendere le bustine o meno


Posted by nanni on 15-02-2007 09:36:

Andrea mi servono 2 campane da 50 dvd per lunedì (anche +R) ce la fai?!?!
Ciao ciao!!

Posted by black.jack on 02-04-2007 16:18:

Ciao mi serve una campana di dvd +r senza bustine...
ne hai ancora??

Posted by Skilotto83 on 06-05-2007 13:21:


Ho ancora 200 dvd+r...22 euro la campana da 50....25 euro con bustine..

Se ne prendete 100 in blocco faccio 45euro con le bustine...40euro senza...

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 09-05-2007 16:35:

domani sono in comelico/celoria...se vi servono...fatemi sapere!!!

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Skilotto83 on 15-05-2007 09:17:


"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by KAKA' on 20-05-2007 20:58:

Ciao io ho bisogno per 25 DVD... ne hai ancora fami sapere se hai o no Se si fami sapere anche il prezzo... ciao

Posted by Skilotto83 on 26-05-2007 13:46:

kaka' scrivimi in privato...
Intanto UPPO!!

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by Nonsaprei on 07-06-2007 19:50:

I prezzi sono rimasti invariati? Sarei interessato a qualche dvd....


Posted by Skilotto83 on 07-06-2007 20:49:

pero' come c'è scritto ho solo
dvd+r verbatim 16x ora...
fammi pure sapere in privato..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by *°§_-??? on 13-06-2007 14:49:

Hai ancora CD o DVD+ disponibili?
con i prezzi di prima?

Posted by Skilotto83 on 13-06-2007 21:11:

finito tuttto!!!

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

Posted by mayetta on 14-06-2007 09:35:

Intervento del moderatore:
si può chiudere?

Posted by P.Raso on 14-06-2007 22:13:

Visto che skilotto83 li ha finiti se vi può interessare anche io li vendo: http://www.dsy.it/forum/showthread....&threadid=31005

Pasqualino Raso Website: http://www.pasqualinoraso.com/

Posted by Skilotto83 on 15-06-2007 08:32:

non si puo' chiudere...
La questione è di attendere..nel senso che tra 1 mesetto circa rifaccio il carico...

Per un mesetto pero' non ne ho..

"Why, Sir, you find no man at all intellectual who is willing to leave London.
No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

MSN andrea.poretti(at)hotmail.it

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