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-- Linkz per OpenGL (http://www.dsy.it/forum/showthread.php?threadid=3166)

Posted by korn on 13-03-2003 15:15:

Linkz per OpenGL

NeHe - semplicemente grandioso, spiega le OpenGL partendo da 0

OpenGL.org - sito ufficiale

OpenGL con C/C++ - tutorial ed esempi

OpenGL con Java - tutorial ed esempi

» Collect some stars to shine for you, and start today ‘cause there are only a few. _ (In Flames)
» Don't stop for nothing, it's full speed or nothing! I'm taking down, you know, whatever is in my way! _ ('tallica)
» I am my own god, I do as I please. _ (Pain)
» Ninetynine, ninetynine knives! Ninetynine knives inside! Nobody gets out alive! _ (The Haunted)
Web: http://www.negativesignal.com - ICQ# 171585477 - Death to software patents! And TCPA too! "e uno!", diceva il boia.

Posted by 0m4r on 13-03-2003 17:43:

Per quel che potrà servire ]qui c'è il mio progetto dello scroso anno


Posted by korn on 15-03-2003 11:43:

scusate se mi ripeto, ma originariamente avevo postato sotto ComDig senza pensare che InfoGrafica è anche un complementare di Info:

ho a disposizione un infinità di materiale vario su OpenGL, se vi può servire non avete che da chiedere!!

» Collect some stars to shine for you, and start today ‘cause there are only a few. _ (In Flames)
» Don't stop for nothing, it's full speed or nothing! I'm taking down, you know, whatever is in my way! _ ('tallica)
» I am my own god, I do as I please. _ (Pain)
» Ninetynine, ninetynine knives! Ninetynine knives inside! Nobody gets out alive! _ (The Haunted)
Web: http://www.negativesignal.com - ICQ# 171585477 - Death to software patents! And TCPA too! "e uno!", diceva il boia.

Posted by 0m4r on 20-03-2003 17:54:


non è proprio sulle openGL ma puo aiutare!


Posted by korn on 21-03-2003 11:15:


» Collect some stars to shine for you, and start today ‘cause there are only a few. _ (In Flames)
» Don't stop for nothing, it's full speed or nothing! I'm taking down, you know, whatever is in my way! _ ('tallica)
» I am my own god, I do as I please. _ (Pain)
» Ninetynine, ninetynine knives! Ninetynine knives inside! Nobody gets out alive! _ (The Haunted)
Web: http://www.negativesignal.com - ICQ# 171585477 - Death to software patents! And TCPA too! "e uno!", diceva il boia.

Posted by korn on 05-06-2003 00:35:

http://www.idsoftware.com -> ci sono i motori di Quake e Quake II sotto licenza GPL, sono in OpenGL quindi possono servire come esempi per il progetto

http://www.gameprog.it -> tutorial su OpenGL, Direct3D, grafica, modellazione, programmazione e altro

» Collect some stars to shine for you, and start today ‘cause there are only a few. _ (In Flames)
» Don't stop for nothing, it's full speed or nothing! I'm taking down, you know, whatever is in my way! _ ('tallica)
» I am my own god, I do as I please. _ (Pain)
» Ninetynine, ninetynine knives! Ninetynine knives inside! Nobody gets out alive! _ (The Haunted)
Web: http://www.negativesignal.com - ICQ# 171585477 - Death to software patents! And TCPA too! "e uno!", diceva il boia.

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