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-- [Cerco] Hard Disk per portatile (http://www.dsy.it/forum/showthread.php?threadid=8023)

Posted by ^Angelus^ on 14-01-2004 14:23:

[Cerco] Hard Disk per portatile

Come dall'oggetto sto cercando un hard disk da 2.5" per portatile di circa 20 Gb...il prezzo non eccessivo

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup it became a cup, if you put water into a bottle it became a bottle, if you put into a teapot it became a teapot. Water can flow or can crush. Be water my friend.

Nessuna via come via. Nessun limite come limite

- Bruce Lee -

Posted by ^Angelus^ on 14-01-2004 19:43:

come non detto...trovato nuovo ad un prezzo non troppo alto...

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup it became a cup, if you put water into a bottle it became a bottle, if you put into a teapot it became a teapot. Water can flow or can crush. Be water my friend.

Nessuna via come via. Nessun limite come limite

- Bruce Lee -

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