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Originally posted by "Elex"
vi posso organizzare una cenetta a lume di candela molto romantica
"What peece of worke is a man, how noble in reason, how infinit in faculties, in forme and moouing, how expresse and admirable in action, how like an Angell in apprehension, how like a God: the beautie of the world; the paragon of Annimales; and yet to me, what is this Quintessence of dust: man delights not me" - Hamlet
meglio che non rispondo va, serebbe un post moooooolto cattivo
Originally posted by "Elex"
meglio che non rispondo va, serebbe un post moooooolto cattivo
"What peece of worke is a man, how noble in reason, how infinit in faculties, in forme and moouing, how expresse and admirable in action, how like an Angell in apprehension, how like a God: the beautie of the world; the paragon of Annimales; and yet to me, what is this Quintessence of dust: man delights not me" - Hamlet
Capperi....se sapeste com'è facile prendersi una villa in Francia.............costano poco! Cavolo..........Voglio anke io la villettona!!!!
va beh, scusate lo sfogo....
Elex....cuoca??Attento Lightman..potrebbe avvelenarti!!
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Originally posted by "Lunik"
Elex....cuoca??Attento Lightman..potrebbe avvelenarti!!
"What peece of worke is a man, how noble in reason, how infinit in faculties, in forme and moouing, how expresse and admirable in action, how like an Angell in apprehension, how like a God: the beautie of the world; the paragon of Annimales; and yet to me, what is this Quintessence of dust: man delights not me" - Hamlet
ma...ne sarà capace???
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Lightman, credo che abbiamo pensato alla stessa cosa 8-)
Originally posted by "Elex"
Lightman, credo che abbiamo pensato alla stessa cosa 8-)
"What peece of worke is a man, how noble in reason, how infinit in faculties, in forme and moouing, how expresse and admirable in action, how like an Angell in apprehension, how like a God: the beautie of the world; the paragon of Annimales; and yet to me, what is this Quintessence of dust: man delights not me" - Hamlet
...parlate in crittografo?????
Il DSY su Facebook!!!
sai come si dice, la speranza è l'ultima a morire!
Originally posted by "Lunik"
...parlate in crittografo?????
"What peece of worke is a man, how noble in reason, how infinit in faculties, in forme and moouing, how expresse and admirable in action, how like an Angell in apprehension, how like a God: the beautie of the world; the paragon of Annimales; and yet to me, what is this Quintessence of dust: man delights not me" - Hamlet
Originally posted by "Lightman"
Originally posted by Lunik
...parlate in crittografo?????
Mi deludi, hai tutti gli elementi e conosci tutti i fatti per poterci arrivare anche tu 8-)
Forse ho capito cosa (o dovrei dire CHI?) manca nel suo quadro della sua villetta...
X Elex.....boh? Che manca a te???????
ok, kiedo umilmente
Il DSY su Facebook!!!
e per fortuna sai tutto!
Originally posted by "Elex"
e per fortuna sai tutto!
Il DSY su Facebook!!!
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